Hive xml2
hive> create database xxmls;
Time taken: 0.182 seconds
hive> use xxmls;
Time taken: 0.017 seconds
[training@localhost ~]$ cat xml5
[training@localhost ~]$
hive> create table raw(line string);
Time taken: 0.252 seconds
hive> load data local inpath 'xml5'
> into table raw;
Copying data from file:/home/training/xml5
Copying file: file:/home/training/xml5
Loading data to table xxmls.raw
Time taken: 0.178 seconds
hive> select * from raw;
Time taken: 0.155 seconds
hive> create table raw2(cid int,
> pr array<string>, qnt array<string>);
Time taken: 0.069 seconds
hive> insert overwrite table raw2
> select xpath_int(line,'tr/cid'),
> xpath(line,'tr/pr/text()'),
> xpath(line,'tr/qnt/text()')
> from raw;
hive> create table cidpr(cid int , pr int);
hive> insert overwrite table cidpr
> select cid, mypr from raw2
> lateral view explode(pr) p as mypr;
hive> create table cidqnt(cid int, qnt int);
hive> insert overwrite table cidqnt
> select cid, myqnt from raw2
> lateral view explode(qnt) q as myqnt;
hive> select * from cidpr;
101 3000
101 5000
101 1000
102 2000
102 5000
101 6000
Time taken: 0.06 seconds
hive> select * from cidqnt;
101 3
101 2
101 5
102 5
102 2
101 5
Time taken: 0.046 seconds
hive> add jar Desktop/hivejars.jar;
hive> create temporary function auto
> as '';
hive> alter table cidpr add columns(n int);
hive> insert overwrite table cidpr
select cid, pr, auto() from cidpr;
hive> alter table cidqnt add columns(n int);
hive> insert overwrite table cidqnt
select cid, qnt, auto() from cidqnt;
hive> create table trans(cid int, pr int,
qnt int, bill int);
hive> insert overwrite table trans
select l.cid, pr, qnt, pr*qnt
from cidpr l join cidqnt r
on (l.n=r.n);
hive> create table report(cid int, totbill int);
hive> insert overwrite table report
select cid, sum(bill) from trans
group by cid;
hive> select * from report;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.exec.UDF;
public class SeqNumber extends UDF
int cnt = 0;
public IntWritable evaluate()
throws IOException
return new IntWritable(cnt);
keep all above statements into a script file.
create database urheroes;
use urheroes;
create table raw(line string);
load data local inpath 'xml5' into table raw;
create table raw2(cid int, pr array<string>, qnt array<string>);
insert overwrite table raw2
select xpath_int(line,'tr/cid'),
xpath(line,'tr/qnt/text()') from raw;
create table cidpr(cid int, pr int);
insert overwrite table cidpr
select cid, mypr from raw2
lateral view explode(pr) p as mypr;
create table cidqnt(cid int, qnt int);
insert overwrite table cidqnt
select cid, myq from raw2
lateral view explode(qnt) q as myq;
alter table cidpr add columns(n int);
alter table cidqnt add columns(n int);
add jar Desktop/hivejars.jar;
create temporary function auto
as '';
insert overwrite table cidpr
select cid, pr, auto() from cidpr;
insert overwrite table cidqnt
select cid, qnt, auto() from cidqnt;
create table trans(cid int, pr int, qnt int,
bill int);
insert overwrite table trans
select l.cid, pr, qnt, pr*qnt
from cidpr l join cidqnt r
on (l.n=r.n);
create table report(cid int, totbill int);
insert overwrite table report
select cid, sum(bill) from trans
group by cid;
select * from trans;
select * from report;
drop table raw;
drop table raw2;
drop table cidpr;
drop table cidqnt;
how to submit script:
$ hive -f hscript1.hql
hive> create database xxmls;
Time taken: 0.182 seconds
hive> use xxmls;
Time taken: 0.017 seconds
[training@localhost ~]$ cat xml5
[training@localhost ~]$
hive> create table raw(line string);
Time taken: 0.252 seconds
hive> load data local inpath 'xml5'
> into table raw;
Copying data from file:/home/training/xml5
Copying file: file:/home/training/xml5
Loading data to table xxmls.raw
Time taken: 0.178 seconds
hive> select * from raw;
Time taken: 0.155 seconds
hive> create table raw2(cid int,
> pr array<string>, qnt array<string>);
Time taken: 0.069 seconds
hive> insert overwrite table raw2
> select xpath_int(line,'tr/cid'),
> xpath(line,'tr/pr/text()'),
> xpath(line,'tr/qnt/text()')
> from raw;
hive> create table cidpr(cid int , pr int);
hive> insert overwrite table cidpr
> select cid, mypr from raw2
> lateral view explode(pr) p as mypr;
hive> create table cidqnt(cid int, qnt int);
hive> insert overwrite table cidqnt
> select cid, myqnt from raw2
> lateral view explode(qnt) q as myqnt;
hive> select * from cidpr;
101 3000
101 5000
101 1000
102 2000
102 5000
101 6000
Time taken: 0.06 seconds
hive> select * from cidqnt;
101 3
101 2
101 5
102 5
102 2
101 5
Time taken: 0.046 seconds
hive> add jar Desktop/hivejars.jar;
hive> create temporary function auto
> as '';
hive> alter table cidpr add columns(n int);
hive> insert overwrite table cidpr
select cid, pr, auto() from cidpr;
hive> alter table cidqnt add columns(n int);
hive> insert overwrite table cidqnt
select cid, qnt, auto() from cidqnt;
hive> create table trans(cid int, pr int,
qnt int, bill int);
hive> insert overwrite table trans
select l.cid, pr, qnt, pr*qnt
from cidpr l join cidqnt r
on (l.n=r.n);
hive> create table report(cid int, totbill int);
hive> insert overwrite table report
select cid, sum(bill) from trans
group by cid;
hive> select * from report;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.exec.UDF;
public class SeqNumber extends UDF
int cnt = 0;
public IntWritable evaluate()
throws IOException
return new IntWritable(cnt);
keep all above statements into a script file.
create database urheroes;
use urheroes;
create table raw(line string);
load data local inpath 'xml5' into table raw;
create table raw2(cid int, pr array<string>, qnt array<string>);
insert overwrite table raw2
select xpath_int(line,'tr/cid'),
xpath(line,'tr/qnt/text()') from raw;
create table cidpr(cid int, pr int);
insert overwrite table cidpr
select cid, mypr from raw2
lateral view explode(pr) p as mypr;
create table cidqnt(cid int, qnt int);
insert overwrite table cidqnt
select cid, myq from raw2
lateral view explode(qnt) q as myq;
alter table cidpr add columns(n int);
alter table cidqnt add columns(n int);
add jar Desktop/hivejars.jar;
create temporary function auto
as '';
insert overwrite table cidpr
select cid, pr, auto() from cidpr;
insert overwrite table cidqnt
select cid, qnt, auto() from cidqnt;
create table trans(cid int, pr int, qnt int,
bill int);
insert overwrite table trans
select l.cid, pr, qnt, pr*qnt
from cidpr l join cidqnt r
on (l.n=r.n);
create table report(cid int, totbill int);
insert overwrite table report
select cid, sum(bill) from trans
group by cid;
select * from trans;
select * from report;
drop table raw;
drop table raw2;
drop table cidpr;
drop table cidqnt;
how to submit script:
$ hive -f hscript1.hql
Sir.. Please provide the procedure for adding jar files from Eclipse.