Laguage neutralization.
ex: hindi to english.
[training@localhost ~]$ gedit comments
[training@localhost ~]$ gedit dictionary
[training@localhost ~]$ hadoop fs -copyFromLocal comments pdemo
[training@localhost ~]$ hadoop fs -copyFromLocal dictionary pdemo
[training@localhost ~]$
grunt> comms = load 'pdemo/comments'
>> as (line:chararray);
grunt> dict = load 'pdemo/dictionary'
>> using PigStorage(',')
>> as (hindi:chararray, eng:chararray);
grunt> words = foreach comms
>> generate FLATTEN(TOKENIZE(line)) as word;
grunt> describe words
words: {word: chararray}
grunt> describe dict
dict: {hindi: chararray,eng: chararray}
grunt> j = join words by word left outer,
>> dict by hindi;
grunt> jj = foreach j generate words::word as word, dict::hindi as hindi, dict::eng as eng;
grunt> dump jj
grunt> rset = foreach jj generate
>> (hindi is not null ? eng:word) as word;
grunt> dump rset
Then we can apply sentiment on this restult set.
ex: hindi to english.
[training@localhost ~]$ gedit comments
[training@localhost ~]$ gedit dictionary
[training@localhost ~]$ hadoop fs -copyFromLocal comments pdemo
[training@localhost ~]$ hadoop fs -copyFromLocal dictionary pdemo
[training@localhost ~]$
grunt> comms = load 'pdemo/comments'
>> as (line:chararray);
grunt> dict = load 'pdemo/dictionary'
>> using PigStorage(',')
>> as (hindi:chararray, eng:chararray);
grunt> words = foreach comms
>> generate FLATTEN(TOKENIZE(line)) as word;
grunt> describe words
words: {word: chararray}
grunt> describe dict
dict: {hindi: chararray,eng: chararray}
grunt> j = join words by word left outer,
>> dict by hindi;
grunt> jj = foreach j generate words::word as word, dict::hindi as hindi, dict::eng as eng;
grunt> dump jj
grunt> rset = foreach jj generate
>> (hindi is not null ? eng:word) as word;
grunt> dump rset
Then we can apply sentiment on this restult set.
today session about sentimental analysis using pig is interesting and informative thank you sir